Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Eve

Wednesday, December 24th at 7pm, we will wait with eager anticipation as we hear the stories of the Old and New Testament and the coming of the Christ child. This service will be a communion and candlelight service. Looking forward to seeing family, friends, and neighbors worshiping together to bring in this glorious day. Come and let us wish one another Merry Christmas and and celebrate the true meaning of the Christmas season together. 

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Dinner

As we continue to eagerly wait for the birth of the Christ child, we will wait with one another. On December 21st, Westminster is hosting its annual Christmas Dinner. South Park and Ruffner Memorial Presbyterian Churches will be joining us for worship, fellowship, and food. We are looking forward to seeing everyone for this special Fourth Sunday in Advent. Blessings until then!